Automation Anywhere Enterprise v 11.0 Web Control Room

Introduction to Automation Anywhere Enterprise v 11.0 Web Control Room

* Automation Anywhere Enterprise v 11.0 Web Control Room is the brains of the entire operation.

* The heart beat of Automation Anywhere Enterprise RPA architecture is the Control Room.

The Control room enables you to carry out multiple tasks with ease.

You Can:

→ View task relevant activities using the Dashboard.

→ View the History,tasks in progress and tasks and
activities carried out in control room using the Activity page.

-> Manage the automation(bot) files repository and schedule or run tasks
using the Bots page.

-> View and manage the statuses of devices using Device page.

-> Manage various work items using Workload management page.

-> View recent activities of users and administrators using the Audit Log page.

-> Create new and manage existing roles and users (client and administrator)
using the Administrator page.

** The interface of control room gives you several options to manage and monitor the
different components of your R-P-A infrastructure.

These include the Control Room left navigation pane which holds the components
or modules of Control Room.
The components that can be viewed differ from user to user depending upon
the assigned roles, permissions and rights.

Next, details pane is the second level of navigation, which displays a detailed
list of sub-commands of the page you are on.

For example, the detail list of dashboard include home,bot,devices,audit, work load
and insights.

Finally your profile pane allows you to make changes to your profile.
This include changing of your password and editing your personal details
such as first name,last name and email address.

** The seven components of Control Room provide loads of benefits.
Some of them include:

Simplified and improved monitoring and administration of large,multi-site
complex,automation infrastructure, done using the web-based control room.

Access and Manage tasks,clients and users from anywhere, anytime.

Monitor task progress and status to enforce internal compliance regulations, as well
as prevent tampering with mission critical processes.

Facilitate an environment for increased collaboration to optimize productivity.

Accommodate scaling of multiple users and client environments or Machines.

Enable an environment to enforce controlled edits using S-V-N.

Facilitate uploading and downloading of meta bots and meta bot enabled tasks.

Facilitate uploading and downloading of IQ bots with vision skills.

Provide Role based access to credentials, and

Provide responsive web design to run the application in multiple devices.

The detailed explanation of components will be displayed in next page.

Note:- I will be updating this blog frequently.✍

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