File or Folder Command from the Workbench Command Library

Explanation of File or Folder Command

These days,most occupations require organizing and manipulating files and folders on computer systems,
which is tedious and error prone process.

Automating these tedious task can help organizations become efficient.
In addition, the scope for human error will reduce.

Therefore, to automate common operations that involve manipulating files and folders, automation anywhere provides the files folder command.

The Files or Folder Command provides an easy way to automate creating, opening, copying,moving,renaming, deleting and organizing files and
folders command.

It also offers advanced operations for working with files and folders based on their size and date created or modified.

Note that the files command operates on files and the folder command operates on the folder.

The File command provides various options to operate on files during automation.
These include:

-> Copying an existing a file.
-> Renaming an existing file.
-> Deleting an existing file.
-> Creating a new file.
-> Compressing a group of files into a ZIP file.
-> Extracting files from a Zip folder.
-> Printing a file and multiple files in a folder.
-> Opening an existing file and
-> Creating file shortcut for opening a file.

Similarly, the folder command provides various options to operate on folders during automation.
These include:

-> Copying an existing folder.
-> Deleting a folder.
-> Opening a folder.
-> Rename an existing folder.
-> Creating new folders, as well as
-> Creating folder shortcuts.

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