Features of Automation Anywhere Enterprise

Following are the Features of Automation Anywhere Enterprise

In real-time environment application and infrastructure can change quickly.
Automation Anywhere has auto-calibration technology which enables bots to sense and
automatically adjusts to application changes immediately.

There cognitive ability enable them to study, enhance processes, maintain accuracy and reliability.

It sense AI (artificial technology) which gives truly adaptive automation experience and
employs "smart pauses" and environment related adjustments to perform tasks.

Automation Anywhere is only enterprise grade RPA platform with its cognitive abilities and analytics.

Its cognitive capable bots acts on structured and semi-structured data to automate end to end
using unique natural language processing.

The platform has machine learning techniques such as feature extracting,
classification algorithms and data extraction.

Embedded analytics capture business data to gain real-time business insights.

System logs and auto-compliance features can automatically complain audit requirements.

Control Room to queue, manage, launch, orchestrate and maintain automation tasks
across any desktop or cloud infrastructure environments.

Automation Anywhere features private and public key infrastructure
combined with AES encryption to secure your bots and credentials.

Multiple layers security while bot execution using stealth mode and keyboard disable features.

Credential integration using SAML 2.0 and standard directory service protocol.

Credentials are encrypted using AES and FIPS 140-2 complaint modules.

Note:- I will be updating this blog frequently.✍

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