Error Handling Command in Automation Anywhere
Explanation of Error Handling command
➤ During program execution, programming errors could occur that changes
normal flow of execution, and sometimes terminating the program.
➤ To prevent such conditions, it is very important to do a code check to find error occurrence,
and define a suitable action to respond and recover from error without terminating the program.
➤ This process of responding and recovering from error occurrence is known as error handling.
➤ During task execution too, unexpected errors could occur.
For this reason, Automation Anywhere provides Error Handling Command to handle errors
and aid in debugging the task without affecting the normal flow of the task.
☛ The Error view tab in the Workbench can be used to manage errors.
☛ The view is automatically updated as you make changes to the task.
☛ The error view panel is useful when you want to track the progress
of longer tasks and debug them when errors occur.
★ Note: Use error view panel in conjunction with the error handling capability
to properly debug your tasks.To activate the Error View select link.
➤ In order to handle and isolate the errors, the Error Handling command
provides various sub commands that perform different actions.
➤ These sub-commands includes Begin Error Handling and End Error Handling.
➤ Begin Error handling sub-command allows you to either continue running the task
after the error occurs or stop the current task.
★ Note: After you select the Begin Error Handling sub-command,
the End-error handling is automatically inserted in the workbench.
➤ However,you can manually select 'End Error Handling' Sub-command after the related actions are completed.
★ Automation Anywhere provides various options for handling errors.
✒ Take Snapshot
This option allows you to capture and save a screenshot of error screen as file.
This file is saved in the default temp folder in your application path.
★ Note: File is timestamped with date,month,year,hour and minute.
✒ Run Task
This option allows you to run another task, when the current task encounters an error.
✒ Log data into File
This option allows you to log the error data into a file.
b>★ Note: File is timestamped with date,month,year,hour and minute.
✒ Send Email
This option allows you to send an email with the error information.
You can attach a snapshot of the screen,or attach a text file, which lists the values of all variables.
The variables can include system variables and user variables.
★ Note : SMTP settings must be modified from tools>Options>Email Settings.
✒ Variable Assignment
This option allows allows you to specify a value to a particular variable and set a task status,
while you continue running a task.
★ Note: You can use any or all four of the error handling options in combination.
For example: You can run the task and log the error data into a file.
Note:- I will be updating this blog frequently.✍
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