Use Cases of Loop Command

Use Case of Loop Command with Explanation

First Use case of Loop Command:

The Training department conducts SAP training every year for approximately 100 employees.
At the end of the training, participants are required to take an assessment to gage their SAP knowledge.
The result of the assessment is saved in a CSV file. As part of the Training program,
the department rewards the top 10 participants who have scored the highest in the assessment.

Use the loop command to extract top 10 data from csv file and add it to excel file.

Process Step Flow:

Read record from the Training file->Fetch 10 data from CSV file->Log each data to a new file.

Benefits of using this command:

Looping is to repeat your code as many times as you want without writing it many Times.

Note: Various options are available in loop command, as per process requirement user can pick it up.

Note:- I will be updating this blog frequently.✍

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