Control Room

Explanation of Web Control Room Components

Let's now learn about each component or module of the control room features panel in detail.

1. Dashboard

★ The primary purpose of the dashboard is to help you make business decisions and
corrective actions to fix any errors instead of going to each module and
page of the control room.

★ Note that dashboard is the first level of navigation in the features panel.

★ It provides a bird's eye view of the entire automation to the control room administrator
with an exclusive graphical insight.

★ It represents the R-P-A infrastructure in the form of meaningful visuals and charts.
This leads to informed decisions and corrective actions.

★ As a control room user with dashboard view privileges, you can view data
presented in the form of widgets.

★ These widgets can be customized to display the data in a more readable format using the
various options provided by the dashboard feature.

★ These options include filtering, sorting, applying visually appealing colors to charts,
and setting the time bar for each widget on the dashboard.

★ It consists of six components that include Home, Bots, Devices, Audit, Workload and Insight.


★ The home component of the dashboard provides information such as:

-> Number of active users.
-> Number of registered clients.
-> Number of failed tasks.
-> Number of existing bots.
-> Number of upcoming bots that have been scheduled.
-> Number of queues available.

★ The home field displays the information of total active users,status of the executed bots,
total number of bots scheduled and total number of queues and bot velocity.

Total Active users displays the total number of users in the control room.

Bot Run Status displays the status of the bots that is completed,
Failed,stopped or aborted, timed, etc., for deployed bot on registered bot runners
from the control room.

Total Bot Schedules displays the total number of task execution failures
for the last 2 days.

Total Queue displays the total number of bots.

CPU utilization displays the total number of bots that
have been scheduled in the control room for the next 7 days.


★ As a user with appropriate permissions, the bots page of the dashboards module
provides you with a graphically summarized view of all the deployed bots in the
Control room.

★ This dashboard gives you the answer to the questions such as:

-> Which of my bots use the most system resources?
-> Which bots are scheduled to run?
-> Which of these bots are failed to run?
-> What percentage of bots are in progress, paused, unknown,failed and completed?

★ Bots page consists of widgets to calculate the failure score,
number of times the bot was processed, error encountered by the bot etc.

-> The Bot Heart Beat Widget provides a statistical representation
of the relationship between the failure score of a bot and respective bot.

-> A failure score is calculation of the resources utilized by the CPU memory,
and the hard disk(HDD) when you run a bot.

-> Once the failure score is calculated, it is plotted against the respective
bot and is displayed in the heart beat widget.

-> The Most Valuable Process or MVP Bots Widget displays bots based on their
maximum processing time and number of times they are run.

-> The Bot Status Widget tracks the task progression based on the status as deploy
failed, stopped, started and completed.

-> The Top Failure Reasons Widget categorizes the errors that your bots may encounter
into various groups and shows the count of each group.

-> The Upcoming Schedules Widget shows all bots that are scheduled to run, which are sorted
by the number with which they are run.


★ Dashboard's Device page allows you to view and analyze the bot
runner machine's relevant data when bots are deployed on those devices.

★ The Device data is presented in the form of widgets which provides information
such as:

-> Failed to execute.
-> Threshold for CPU.
-> Memory and HDD utilization.
-> Device status and
-> Scheduled Automation.

-> The Failure analysis widget displays the top number of devices with most
failures for a given time period.

-> The CPU utilization widget displays the number of devices that crossed the threshold
for CPU usage for a given time period.

-> The Memory Utilization widget displays the number of devices that crossed the threshold
for memory usage for a given time range.

-> The HDD utilization widget displays the number of devices that crossed the threshold
for HDD usage for a given time range.

-> The Overall Device Status widget displays the number of devices that are connected
Or Disconnected for a given time range.

-> Finally, the Upcoming Device utilization widget displays the number of devices
on which automations are scheduled to run offline devices and MVP devices for a given time range.


It displays various events such as the visual representation of the log.

★ The audit page of the dashboard feature allows you to view snapshot of audit information
of activities performed in the control room and client.

-> The Events distribution by activity type widget provides a chart-based
view of activities filtered on the action type column in the audit log page
for a specific time period.

-> The Activity Audit trail by host machine type widget provides a chart-based
view of activities filtered on the source column in the audit log page
for a specific time period.

-> The Activity Audit trail by Username widget provides a chart-based
view of activities filtered on the Action taken by column in the audit log page
for a specific time period.

-> The Failed Activity Log by Username widget provides a chart-based
view of activities filtered on the Action taken by, Action type, and
source column in the audit log page for a specific time period.


-> In the Dashboard's work load page you can view the status of the device.

It displays the workload status of device pools, queues and work items in the workload Executive Dashboard and or
Operation manager's dashboard.

The Executive Dashboard allows you to monitor the progress of the queues for which you are the owner or the consumer.

-> Device Pools by Backlog widget allows you to view the device pools by backlog.

It also allows you to adjust device pool size or reorder the automation's if required.

Device Pool backlog is measured in the number of hours it takes to complete the existing work items
from all automation's in that pool.

->Queue's by time to complete widget, you can view the list of queues ordered by time to complete.

This allows you to pause or change the priorities of the automation's if required.

Time to complete is measured in the number of hours it takes to complete the existing work items.

->Queue Status widget, you can view the list of queues that were processed in the last n days.

This allows you to monitor the status or progress of the workload items.

This statuses displayed for work items of each queue are active. successful, unsuccessful, Ready to run,

on hold and data error.

->Queue's with average processing time widget you can view the list of queues

that were processed in the last n days with average processing time.

This allows you to understand if there is any issue with the processing of these work items.

The list of queues are shown on the basis of the average processing time for a work item

with a daily average.

The Operation Manager's Dashboard allows you to monitor the queues for which you are the owner,

consumer or participant.

-> Device Pools by FTE widget, you can view the pools in the descending order of full time equivalent.

It allows you to measure the value of each pool in terms of the equivalent manual effort required

to process the same work item.

-> Pools by decreasing error rate widget, you can view the list of pools ordered by the decreasing error rate.

This error rate is measured by the number of work items failed divided by the number of work items

processed from that pool. It gives a quick view of the pools that require attention.

-> Device Pools by Backlog widget allows you to view the device pools by backlog.

It also allows you to adjust device pool size or reorder the automation's if required.

Device Pool backlog is measured in the number of hours it takes to complete the existing work items
from all automation's in that pool.

-> Device Pools by Average Time Widget, you can view the list of queues that were processed

in the last n days with average wait time. The wait time is calculated by subtracting processing start time

automation start or resume time. This allows you to decide whether to increase priority or pool size to meet

business needs as required.

Note:- I will be updating this blog frequently.✍

Thank you for visiting this blog☕️

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