
Explanation of Activity Component in the Web Control Room Components of Automation Anywhere Version 11.0


Numerous Bots are created everyday that needs to be executed smoothly. As a control room admin,you need to ensure

there is seamless bot execution across all devices.

For this reason,The Automation Anywhere Web Control Room provides the Activity module that shows the history,

tasks in progress and the tasks activities carried out in control room to aid in scheduling bot execution on the right devices.

Activity module consists of three components --- In-Progress, Scheduled and Historical.

In progress Tab displays a live status of all the on-going activities for the control room.

The information displayed on this page(progress tab) includes following.

-> Status of the activity.

-> Progress of the activity.

-> Time at which the activity was started.

-> Name of the bot and

-> Device on which the activity is running.
Apart from displaying the information about each activity, it allows you to perform certain actions

on the individual activity such as:

-> Viewing the details of the activity.

-> Pausing the activity.

-> Resuming the activity that was paused.

-> Stopping the activity.

Depending on your privileges,you can also perform certain actions for a set of multiple activities.
These include Following.

-> Refreshing the activities listed in the table.

-> Pausing any activity being performed on the bot.

-> Resuming any paused activity being performed on the bot.

-> Stopping all activities of the bot regardless of the stage it is in .

-> Exporting the list of items in the activity table in CSV format.

-> And moving the selected activity to history.

Note: If you have View my in-progress activity permission, you can also manage and monitor all the ongoing

automation's on the bots where you have either upload, download or delete permission.

Scheduled Tab

It displays a list of activities that have been scheduled for a later time in an activity table and

The information displayed on this page includes:

-> Type of schedule. For example, One time or recurring.

-> Next time the scheduled bot will run.

-> Name of the activity.

-> Name of the bot.

-> Description of when the activity will run.

-> Devices on which the bot will run at the scheduled time

-> Status of the scheduled activity. For example, active or inactive.

-> If you have View my scheduled bots and View my bots privileges, you can perform tasks on individual activity,

such as view,edit,activate and deactivate and delete the schedule.

This page allows you to perform tasks on a set of multiple activities such as:

-> Refresh the Scheduled page.

-> Activate or Deactivate the schedules.

-> Delete the schedules.

-> And export the selected schedules in CSV format.

Historical Tab

This tab lists the all the activities, which have finished running- successfully or unsuccessfully completed.

For example,there may be scenarios where an activity failed to run. In such cases, you can use this page to track the status

and reason for failure.

This page provides information about all the executed bots, such as:

-> Status of the activity, This may be unknown, Completed, Failed, Stopped , Or Time Out.

-> Name of the Bot Runner machine on which automation was running.

-> Name of the automation and name of the bot.

-> Name of the user under whose account that particular activity or automation was running on the device.

-> Date and time on which the activity was started and was completed.

This page allows you to perform certain task on individual items, such as:

-> View details of the activity and

-> Run the selected bot.

Note:- I will be updating this blog frequently.✍

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