
Web Control Room Component of Automation Anywhere Version 11.0 - Workload

Note that every day, enormous number of records or work items are executed.

If is not feasible to do a complete execution of all records on one bot runner in the given time frame.

Therefore, it becomes very important to strategically and logically distribute the work items across multiple bot

runners to improve efficiency as well as prevent tampering of the process through automation.

In the earlier version, as a control room admin, you were required to manually distribute the work items across

multiple bot runners.

Not anymore. In Automation Anywhere Enterprise eleven,this distribution of work items across bot runners is taken

care off by the workload management.

Workload management is the process of strategically distributing work to improve efficiency through automation.

It allows you to manage your work items by dividing them into small yet logical modules and processing them

simultaneously to ensure your time-based SLA's are met and resource utilization is optimized.

You can use the workload management feature in the following ways.

Manage work items using queues.

Create, Update and control the way work items are included in queues.

Modify the work items distributed to bot runners that are assigned to Device Pools, and

Estimate a SLA.

The Following are the benefits of Workload Management feature.

Centralized definition and management of work items is made easy.

A row of data in a queue can be processed on a collection of devices in a device pool

as well.

Queues can be added manually as well as automatically using control room or using the

Insert Work Item command in the workbench.

Specific roles and permission element in the workload further enhances the control

over the queue system.

The Workload management feature introduces two components:

-> Queues and

-> Service Level Agreement or SLA's calculator.

Queues are a collection of work items that allow you to manage the work items in your control room.

You can create, update and control the way work items are included in Queues and distributed to bot runners

that are part of a device pool.

Note that only a Control room admin with create Queues privilege can create a new queue.

Queues can be defined by manually setting up columns or using excel worksheet as its base.

Note: User can see only those queues for which you are either the owner or Participant or Consumer.

A Service Level Agreement or SLAs calculator allows you to assess how long would it take to process

work items based on device pool size or how many devices are required to meet your target SLA.

A Control Admin with SLA Calculator permission can use this feature.

Till now you have learnt about Queues and SLA's and let's learn about its features in detail.

Queues panel is one of the key elements in workload.

It lists all queues with owner, participant or consumer permissions.

At the top of the page is search bar. You can search for a queue by its status, My Access and Queue name.

Below the search bar is the Action Bar that allows you to:

-> Refresh the table contents so that you can view the latest queue status.

-> Delete all or multiple queues.

-> Show or hide specific columns in the table. By default, all columns are displayed.

These actions are performed on all devices listed in the Queues table, and not on individual queues.

Next, below the action bar is the Queue table.

The Queue table provides the:

-> Status of the Queue.

-> Name of the Queue.

-> Currently logged on user's access status of the queue.

-> Name of the Automation, and

-> Status of the Automation created for this queue.

Based on whether a queue is used to run a bot or not, the status column consists of three parameters:

* In use, Draft , and Not In Use.

In Use is assigned when the Queue is created, saved and used to run a bot with queue.

Draft is assigned when the Queue is created but saved as a draft.

This option is generally selected by the Queue admin when some information needs to be updated

or when the queue is not meant for running automation's yet.

Not In Use is assigned when the queue is created and saved but not used to run a bot with queue.

If you want to perform actions on individual queue, select the required queue in the queue table.

The View and Edit actions appear in the action bar.

As a Control Room Admin Or a user with SLA calculator privilege, you can access the SLA calculator page.

This page consists of two tabs: Automation and Calculation.

The Automation tab allows you to select an active automation for SLA calculation.

The Calculation tab populates the number of work items processed and average processing time

of a work item for the selected automation.


If the queue is not being used or is in draft state, the Automation Name and Automation Status column

will show not applicable and shows the automation name if in use.

Note:- I will be updating this blog frequently.✍

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