Task on Web Control Room with Explanation


A Control Room Administrator has been given the task of running a Bot with queue.

In order to perform this, he needs to create a role with required permission to run such a Bot and then,

assign this role to the required user.


Use Control Room's Workload Management features to perform this task.

Process Step Flow

Create a new role with necessary permissions Create a new user Assign the new role to user

Login to Control Room with new credentials Create New Queue Create New device pool

Assign bot runner to new device pool Run the bot with queue.

Benefits of using this command

Workload management allows you to manage your work items by dividing them into small yet logical modules and processing

those simultaneously to ensure your time-based SLAs are met and resource utilization is optimized.

Note: You can see only those queues for which you are either the Owner / Participant / Consumer.

However, the Queue Admin can see all the queues in the system.

Note:- I will be updating this blog frequently.✍

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